Friday, April 23, 2021

Healthy Culture Quotes and Proverbs


Water and Earth (A thawing of Frost)
 by I-P

Some say the world will begin with Water
Some say with Earth
From what I know of Compassion's Daughter
I hold with those who wager Water
But if there were to be a Second Birth
I think I know enough of laughter
Of humble, kind, good-natured mirth
To say that for creation Earth
Is of equal worth
If it does come after...
So. Long time no posts. I guess I lost faith in the written/virtual word as a medium for finding "Healthy Culture Nerds" to collaborate in a "cultural pilot project", possibly in the form of an intentional community*.Not sure I have really regained it, but I do have the urge to post, in no particular order, the following fairly representative quotes of myself together with some made-up "proverbs" related to Healthy Culture as I understand it these days. I will probably add to, and perhaps modify) them in the future and--if I get really inspired-- elaborate on each one (or just some of them) in future posts.--I-P

""Science", the faculty of "knowing-apart"; "Conscience", the faculty of knowing-together"...
"A culture, just as much as an individual, without a healthy functioning conscience, can be called "Sociopathic" and its form of self-replication (its educational process), "Sociopathogenic"...


Against a rapist epistemology:

"If might is right, rapists have the right to rape children because the rapists are presumably “mightier". Might is not Right nor (contra Bacon and Hobbes) is  “Knowledge" (presumably “Right Knowledge”) ,“Power” (presumably “Power-Over”--ie "Might”).  Right Knowledge is not Might: Right Knowledge is Communion, as the majority of cells in your body must know very  well, else you wouldn’t be  alive reading this…"
"People seem to think that they are trying to "enjoy Life" but "Life" is not what is happening; what is happening is the rape of the planet. People are trying to enjoy the rape of the planet..."
"Local Anesthesia, General Anesthesia, Coma, Death you think will release ya
but Local Wholesthesia, General Wholesthesia, Awakening, and Life is what will ease ya
'cause if the shoe fit, you don't feel it; if ya stomachs working right ya don't think of it:
Wholesthesia is the silence of Health, (check it out, dig it your self)
--From the song "Its Not Life" 

Anesthesia is "Nonsense", "Wholesthesia"?, thats "Complete Sense", "Euaesthesia" is "Good Sense", I'm wishing you "Good Sense"...
--From the song "Good Sense"

"War is the Denial of Life, "Peace" is the Denial of Death; Justice is not the Denial of Anything..."

"Justice is the situation of people acknowledging and resolving to treat their own individual symptoms of our shared sick culture, rather than projecting them onto each other individually or onto other groups collectively. It is a group of people helping each other do this. Justice is Shared Recovery."

"The context of this Shared Recovery is True Community"
 "True community is not just the "human community", (which ecologically speaking is just one population in a given place and not a community at all), but rather the the whole diversity of beings in a given place considered as fellow Individual-Persons with which to share recovery.
"If the land does not recover, the people cannot recover"
"While the people do not recover, the land cannot recover"
 "Justice is "Justice for All"

"Justice begins at Home: Be fair with Yourself...."
"Rhetoric, Logic and other forms of argument and persuasion implicitly separate Honesty (subjective reality) from Truth (objective reality), and so tend to involve both Dishonest Truth (misleading "facts", " Lying By Omission ", etc) and False Honesty (unconsciously excluded/censored "feeling/sensations/thoughts, etc). This is because in any such argument, the possibility that both parties could be wrong, and that, moreover the whole topic of discussion could be a red herring relative to a much more vital topic which is being ignored, is connived at by both participants, setting the whole discussion on an alienated and dishonest foundation to begin with.."
The expression of Righteousness is always an example of both of Dishonest Truth and False Honesty. Of  Dishonest Truth in as much as it is an arbitrary singling out and condemnation of one or another symptom of sick culture in another (while ignoring in ones self, the many, perhaps different but equally important symptoms of that same disease) Such symptoms can be expressed in terms of "crimes of omission" or "crimes of commission". Such righteousness is an example of  False Honesty in as much as subjective anesthesia/amnesia are behind ones ability to do this ignoring.

At the same time, Shame is always equally an example of this same Dishonest Truth/False Honesty, as such shame implies an equal amnesia and numbness regarding, in this case, ones of own past and present "virtues of omission" and "virtues of commission", ie; the share of healthy culture that is also present, even if unrecognized and cultivated.

Thus, when and wherever there is Righteousness or Shame (or Praise or Blame, or Reward or Punishment) of oneself or others, there is False Honesty/Dishonest Truth (ie; Alienated Phoniness and "Antisocializing"). Of course this is just something to know and try to heal, not to be ashamed about, such Shame just being a sign that the denial process is still the default one...
And, what happens in the absence of the dominance of these things in our shared culture? Cultural Recovery, Inner and Outer Healing is what happens, that is, if Coawareness, True Community, and Good Sense have taken their place. For there is a dimension perpendicular to the false dichotomies of Righteousness/Shame etc, a dimension across which there is a (relatively) true dichotomy. That dimension is that of Recovery or Denial which go in opposite directions along the same slanted and usually winding road. In one direction one takes progressively less and less for granted, becoming less and less self important and more and more awake alive and interactive, and in the other...well the opposite.
Even so, the reason I say the dichotomy is only relative and not absolute is because people in cultural recovery are always Relapsing (and helping each other to Recover from such relapses). Given the nature of the situation (ie; that we were all born into suffer from and are still surrounded by sick culture) relapses are to be expected (though not courted), as just a part of the Shared Recovery Process. As such, relapses are just treated as sources of information relevant to improving that process (ideally anyway). Such relapses, once they are seen, acknowledged as such and collaboratively "treated", are in no way  a part of denial, and laughing about it afterwards is part of that healing and "good-natured mirth" that I was trying to get as in my poem."

Only from such a Recovery dynamic, and from a Logic that correlates in principle (and cultivates in practice) both Honesty and Truth, can we expect to approach either Honest Truth outwardly expressed or True Honesty inwardly experienced. Such a Logic is 'Life-Logic" ie; Correlative Logic, or the logic of Coawareness, of Recovery as opposed to Denial".

"Everybody has a piece of the Truth; Everybody has a piece of the Lie"

"Basically, the house is on fire and those not being burned alive tend to be stupefied by the smoke."
"Evil is just Glamorized Stupidity"
 "The opposite of stupidity is not Cleverness; the opposite of stupidity is Awareness ("Coawareness" actually)"
Coawareness is the joint awareness of the "fire and smoke" outwardly in the world And equally of their effects inwardly in oneself. It is simultaneously the awareness of the existence also of some necessary degree of "non-fire" and "non-smoke" both inwardly and outwardly (otherwise we and the world would be dead already). This Coawareness results in realization of the necessity to coordinate inner and outer healing.

Recovery Culture chooses Compassion over Lies,
Denial Culture chooses Lies over Compassion...

* This is because the essence of healthy culture is likely to be lost in its translation into the cognitive idiom  of the dominant sick culture. Healthy culture communications are always directed to the Intelligence of the Heart (which is notably closer to the gut and arms and legs--that is to compassionate and courageous interactivity-- then the pseudo intelligence of the head alone). The dissociated left-brained attention of the dominant culture is likely to exclude the essence of what is being said in the very act of isolating,  "mastering", (or even just being able to superficially understand and repeat) the concepts. Such "power-over the letter" being mistaken for true "communion-with the spirit" of what one is trying to communicate can only be expected from those unconsciously  infected with a "power-over epistemology"...(I exclude myself from this only to the extent that I am Conscious that I share this infection with  you and everyone else in this culture and so am in ongoing self-imposed treatment for it, which I call Recovery)...

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